27/7/2024 | 9:33:41 AM | www.bump.co.za  
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Why Register ?

A couple of reasons to register and start adding your own content:

  • Easy online storage for your photos
  • Need to know what others think of your photos, add them to the showcase
  • Worried about Privacy, easy you decide who can see what ! Currently there are 4 different levels of access for each gallery (Public Access, Only your Friends, Only Friends you Decide On, or Only your user account) NB any images added to the showcase are viewable to everyone, but the rest of your gallery follows the normal access rules.
  • Great Slideshow feature ! (Make sure you try the full screen version !)
  • Copyright Issues ? You decide if your images are watermarked or not ! Even better you can do this on the fly, watermarking can be added or removed as simply as changing a drop down option.
  • Message other users !
  • Add Friends and easly share your photos with them.
  • Notifications, Upload images and now you need to let everyone know, it's as simple as clicking a button and everyone you have allocated access to get's notified.
  • Manage your images online, search functionality and simple image Manipulation.
  • Personalised favourites !!

Have a good idea, or think something can be done better ? Pop a mail to webmaster@bump.co.za.

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(Please ensure your Email Address is correct
as your password will be mailed to this address)

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Gallery: newshost pics
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img 1036
Uploaded By: Andre
Gallery: Random
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img 1245
Uploaded By: Andre
Gallery: Random
View longexspose10
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Gallery: Long Exsposure Revisited
View longexspose08
Uploaded By: Werner
Gallery: Long Exsposure Revisited

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